Friday, November 19, 2010

Tổ Quốc Tri Ân Anh Hùng Tử Sĩ Nha Kỹ Thuật

Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Như An ● Vũ Tiến An ● Nguyễn Văn Ẩn ● Bùi Văn Ẩn ● Phúc An ● Phạm Ngọc Anh ● Trịnh Ngọc Anh ● Trịnh Quốc Anh ● Lê Tuấn Anh ● Dương Anh ● Lê Anh ● Dương Ngọc Ánh ● Phạm Ba ● Biệt Kích Phạm Văn Bá ● Đinh Công Bá ● Nguyễn Văn Bắc ● Đại Uý Nguyễn Văn Bạch ● Nguyễn Văn Ban ● Mang Banh ● Nguyễn Đình Baó ● Chu Chi Bảo ● Nguyễn Văn Bảy ● Huỳnh Văn Bé ● Mang Bí ● Đinh Công Bích ● Đaị Uý Võ Bình ● Nguyễn Văn Bình ● Nguyễn Bình ● Bùi Văn Cẩm ● Nhét Lo Cẩn ● Dừng Văn Cang ● Lò Đức Cầu ● Lò Viết Cầu ● Thạch Caven ● Chương Nàm Cháng ● Mang Chao ● Chuẩn Uý Lưu Thanh Châu ● Đinh Công Châu ● Đinh Công Châu ● Nguyễn Minh Châu ● Đinh Thế Châu ● Đinh Văn Châu ● Hoàng Văn Chiến ● Ngô Văn Chiến Phi ● Thiếu Úy Phan Văn Chiêu Nguyễn Văn Chinh ● Hoàng Ngọc Chính ● Mang Chơn ● Đinh Văn Chúc ● Dương Chức ● La Văn Chung ● Triệu Chung ● Nguyễn Chuyên ● Vòng A Có ● Bùi Văn Cỏi ● Huỳnh Con ● Hứa Viết Coc ● Trần Văn Củ ● Đại Uý Nguyễn Công Cử ● Đại Uý Nguyễn Công Cử ● Lu A Cui ● Trung Sĩ Cường ● Trung Uý Nguyễn Văn Cường ● Nguyễn Hùng Cường ● Nguyễn Văn Cường ● Trung Uý Cường (CôVi) ● Trung Tá Đào Đăng Đai ● Bế Ích Đạm ● Trần Như Đán ● Vân Đàn ● Nguyễn K Dang ● Vi Văn Đăng ● Nguyễn Văn Danh ● Nguyễn Văn Dao ● Đỗ Đăng Dậu ● Nguyễn Văn Dậu ● Hoàng Văn Đậu ● Không Văn Đậu ● Tống Văn Dền ● Buì Văn Diện ● Buì Văn Điện ● Phùng Điều ● Lò Văn Dinh ● Nông Công Định ● Nguyễn Khắc Định ● Tống Văn Dôi ● Quách Dỏm ● Cao Văn Dọn ● Lò Văn Dọn ● Nguyễn Đông ● Nguyễn Văn Du ● Nguyễn Văn Dua ● Trung Uý Nguyễn Dứa ● Trương Đình Đức ● Buì Văn Đức ● Nguyễn Văn Đức ● Trung Sĩ Dũng ● Huỳnh Tân Dũng ● Lê Văn Dũng ● Nguyễn Văn Dũng ● Nguyễn Văn Dũng ● Phạm Văn Dũng ● Phạm Công Dụng ● Biệt Hải Nguyễn Duyên ● Bế Viết Giang ● Nguyễn Văn Giáo ● Lò Văn Giát ● Trung Sĩ Vương Đình Ha ● Phan Ha ● Nguyễn Xuân Hạ ● Thiếu Tá Nguyễn Văn Haỉ ● Thiếu Uý Haỉ ● Khắc Haỉ ● Lê Văn Haỉ ● Lương Hằng ● Nguyễn Đức Hậu ● Nguyễn Thế Hiền ● Hứa Viết Hiền ● Lò Văn Hiền ● Đaị Uý Lâm Hưu Hiệp ● Lâm Thư Hiệp ● Nguyễn Văn Hiệp ● Quách Đình Hiếu ● Vũ Ngọc Hinh ● Vũ Hinh ● Đaị Tá Trần Văn Hô ●  Nguyễn Văn Hóa ● Đaị Uý Văn Xuân Hòa ● Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Hòa ● Lâm Xuân Hòa ● Phạm Thanh Hoaì ● Trần Văn Hoài ● Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Văn Hoanh ● Cao Văn Hồi ● Thượng Sỉ Hoàng Văn Hồng ● Hà Trung Huấn ● Nguyễn Văn Huấn ● Thiếu Úy Huỳnh Huế ● Đào Huệ ● Trung Sĩ Hùng ● Trung Uý Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng ● Vũ Bão Hùng ● Đinh Thế Hùng ● Ngô Văn Hùng ● Nguyễn Văn Hùng ● Phạm Hùng ● Chuẩn Uý Vũ Trần Bảo Hưng ● Nguyễn Hưng ● Nguyễn Văn Hương ● Lê Hương ● Quách Đình Huyền ● Diệu Chính Ích ● Nguyễn Thanh Joan ● Hoàng Đình Khả ● Đỗ Văn Khaỉ ● Nguyễn Văn Khaỉ ● Đaị Uý Hoàng Công Khâm ● Hứa Viết Khim ● Đinh Như Khoa ● Phạm Trộng Khôi ● Nguyễn Văn Khứ ● Trung Uý Nguyễn Văn Khuê ● Trần Văn Khương ● Lưu Khương ● Nguyễn Văn Kiễm ● Mai Kiễm ● Bưu Kiễm ● Trung Sĩ Lê Văn Kim ● Thân Văn Kính ● Lê Văn Kình ● Buì Văn Ký ● Buì Đức Lạc ● Trung Sĩ Trần Văn Lai ● Nguyễn Thành Lai ● Nguyễn Văn Lâm ● Nguyễn Xuân Lãng ● Buì Văn Lành ● Nguyễn Đình Lãnh ● Nguyễn Đình Lãnh ● Phạm Lâu ● Ngô Liên ● Nguyễn Văn Liêng ● Dương Văn Liễu ● Đaị Tá Ngô Thế Linh ●  Dương Văn Linh ● Nguyễn Văn Linh ● Hà Thương Lỉnh ● La Văn Loan ● Nguyễn Văn Lộc ● Lâm Lợi ● Nguyễn Đình Lợi ● T/s 1 Nguyễn Văn Long ● Huỳnh Nam Long ● Nguyễn Văn Long ● Nguyễn Văn Long ● Long (Lé) ● Thiếu Tá Tôn Thất Luân ● Tinh Minh Lung ● Trung Sĩ Lương ● Thiếu Tá Hoàng Khắc Lưu ● Trung Tá Ngô Đình Lưu ● Nguyễn Đình Lưu ● Đèo Văn Luyện ● Luyện (Casô) ● Nguyễn Văn Lý ● Trung Sĩ Tang Dù Lỹ ● Lê Văn Mai ● Mai (Già) ● Đaị Uý Trần Xuân Mẫn ● Trần Văn Minh ● Bành Viết Minh ● Nguyễn Minh ● Minh (Lai) ● Đinh Quí Muì ● Nguyễn Muì ● Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Mỹ ● Huỳnh Tân Na ● Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Nam ● Trung Sĩ Hồ Xuân Hoang Nam ● Đặng Nam ● Trần Nam ● Vũ Văn Năm ● Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Ngà ● Đỗ Ngạc ● Mai Văn Ngàn ● Nguyễn Kim Ngân ● Mang Ngay ● Vũ Đình Nghị ● Trung Uý Nguyễn Văn Nghiêm ● Đại Úy Đặng Tấn Nghiệm ● Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Ngọc ● Phạm Văn Ngơị ● Trương Bá Ngữ ● Nguyễn Văn Nguyện ● Nguyễn Thế Nhã ● Thiếu Tá Hồ Đăng Nhật ● Nguyễn Văn Nho ● Mang Nhơn ● Nguyễn Văn Nhung ● Trung Sĩ Vi Văn Nô ● Buì Văn Nôi ● Thiếu Tá Nòng A Pang ● Nòng Au Pang ● Sền Sản Pắng ● Biệt Kích Đèo Văn Peng ● Trung Tá Nguyễn Đức Phó ● Lương Văn Phổ ● Nguyễn Văn Phôi ● Huỳnh Thanh Phong ● Binh Nhất Trần Phỏng ● Lưu Chí Phú ● Nguyễn Văn Phú ● Nguyễn Văn Phú ● Nông Văn Phú ● Si Phù ● Phạm Viết Phục ● Lò Văn Phúng ● Trung Sĩ Phước ● Lương Văn Phượng ● Đaị Uý Nguyễn Văn Quang ● Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Quang ● Trần Quốc Quang ● Huỳnh Văn Quang ● Nguyễn Văn Quang ● Quang (Đen) ● Trần Văn Quí ● Trần Aí Quốc ● Nguyễn Quang Quơí ● Nguyễn Văn Quy ● Nguyễn Văn Quý ● Nguyễn Văn Quyết ● Quách Rả ● T/S I Nguyễn Văn Rất ● Buì Văn Ri ● Trung Tá Nguyễn Hương Rinh ● Nguyễn Hương Rinh ● Lò Văn Ron ● Quách Rọn ● Hoàng Văn Sạch ● Nguyễn Văn Sang ● Nguyễn Văn Sang ● Buì Văn Sất ● Liêu A Saú ● Nguyễn Sĩ ● T/S I Nguyễn Đức Sinh ● Phạm Ngọc Sinh ● Vương Đình Sính ● Lương Văn So ● Lâm So ● Hoàng Văn Soĩ ● Biệt Kích Nguyễn Văn Sơn ● Lê Đình Sơn ● Nguyễn Đình Sơn ● Nguyễn Ngọc Sơn ● Nòng Văn Song ● Trung Sĩ Mai Tan Sử DCT72 ● Đinh Công Sửa ● Sooc Sum ● Mang Suoi ● Đinh Công Sưủ ● Trung Sĩ Trần Quang Taì ● Trung Sĩ Lê Văn Taĩ ● Hà Đăng Tâm ● Thiếu Úy Lê Văn Tâm Trương Đình Tâm ● Nguyễn Văn Tâm ● Chuẩn Uý Hoàng Ngọc Tang ● Trung Sĩ Tạ Tánh ● Đèo Văn Tập ● Nguyễn Văn Tập ● Diệu Chính Thạch ● Nguyễn Thạch ● Lò Khấm Thaí ● Lò Phạm Thái ● Hoàng Văn Thái ● Lê Văn Thân ● Trần Văn Thân ● Nguyễn Quốc Thắng ● Nguyễn Văn Thắng ● Thượng Sĩ Nguyễn Thanh ● Trung Sĩ Phạm Thanh ● Nguyễn Châu Thanh ● Đinh Công Thanh ● Vũ Hiến Thanh ● Nguyễn Văn Thanh ● Nguyễn Văn Thanh ● Đinh Công Thành ● Nguyễn Công Thành ● Nguyễn Hữu Thành ● Thượng Sỉ Trần Trung Thành ● Đoàn Viết Thạnh ● Phạm Thạnh ● Thanh (Đại Úy) ● Nguyễn Hưu Thao ● Nguyễn Văn Thế ● Nguyễn Văn Thế ● Mai Văn Thể ● Tống Văn Thể ● Nguyễn Văn Thi ● Nguyễn Trương Thộ ● Nguyễn Văn Thoaị ● Tống Văn Thôm ● Tống Văn Thôm ● Biệt Kích Trịnh Văn Thôn ● Phạm Cưu Thông ● Nguyễn Văn Thụ ● Nguyễn Văn Thứ ● Quách Thúc ● Nguyễn Văn Thức ● Hà Văn Thương ● Lương Trộng Thưởng ● Hà Trộng Thưởng ● Tạ Văn Thưởng ● Trung Sĩ Lê Hồng Thuỷ ● Trung Sĩ Đào Hồng Thuỷ ● Trần Văn Thuỷ ● Nguyễn Văn Tiệm ● Đaị Tá Nguyễn Minh Tiên ● Biệt Kích Triệu Tiến ● Lò Văn Tiến ● Đaị Tá Hồ Tiêu ● Nguyễn Văn Toán ● Trần Quang Toản ● Lương Văn Tôm ● Biệt Kích Quách Tỏm ● Đà Văn Tôn ● Nguyễn Hữu Trang ● Tr/ tá Trần Đắc Trân   Trương Nam Tráng ● Lưu Quang Trí ● Thiếu Tá Lê Quang Triêu ● Đặng Công Trình ● Nguyễn Văn Trình ● Chuẩn Uý Phạm Đình Trung ● Thiếu Uý Lê Văn Trung ● Trần Văn Trung ● Lê Tu ● Nguyễn Văn Tú ● Trung Sĩ Tủ ● Đỗ Văn Tư ● Hạ Si Nguyễn Văn Tứ ● Nguyễn Tua ● Trung Tá Trần Bá Tuân ● Trần Mai Tuân ● Biệt Kích Mai Văn Tuấn ● Hồ Châu Tuấn ● Mai Văn Tuấn ● Nguyễn Văn Tuấn ● Nguyễn Văn Tuấn ● Hà Văn Tun ● Đaị Tá Lê Quang Tùng ● Đaị Uý Tôn Thất Tùng ● Vòng A Tưng ● Lê Văn Tụng ● Nguyễn Tươi ● Lê Tuy ● Đaị Uý Đào Hưu Tuyền Nguyễn Văn Tuyến ● Bùi Văn Út ● Phan Nhật Văn ● Trung Tá Nguyễn Thanh Văn Nguyễn Văn Vậy ● Trung Tá Nguyễn Văn Vinh ● Trung Uý Nguyễn Văn Vinh ● Nguyễn Văn Vinh ● Đỗ Văn Vong ● Đại Úy Nguyễn Cao Vỹ ● Nguyễn Văn Vụ ● Chuẩn Uý Vũ Trọng Vui ● Nguyễn Văn Vui ● Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Vương ● Vương Đình Vựơng ● Nguyễn Văn Vượng ● Đào Xuân ● Đặng Hùng Xung ● Đào Xung ● Văn Tú Xưng ● Lê Văn Xuyên ● Hoàng Văn Y ● Nguyễn Văn Yo ● Th/ úy Nguyễn văn Hoà 81BCD ● Tr/úy Trần văn Giám Th/úy Nguyễn Hưng Quốc ●

Phi Doan 219
1 PHAN THẾ LONG Tr/u 1965 Khâm Đức
2 NGUYỄN BẢO TÙNG Th/u 1965 Khâm Đức
3 BÙI VĂN LÀNH Th/s 1965 Khâm Đức
6 NGUYỄN VĂN HAI Th/s 1966
8 LÊ HỒNG LĨNH Tr/u Ashau
16 NGUYỄN VĂN MINH Tr/u 30/11/1968 gần đường mòn 922 Hạ lào
17 HƯỚNG VĂN NĂM TH/U 30/11/1968 gần đường mòn 922 Hạ lào
18 NGUYỄN VĂN THÂN Tr/s 1 30/11/1968 gần đường mòn 922 Hạ lào
19 NGUYỂN DU Tr/u tháng 3/1969 gan Leghorse
20 TÔN THẤT SINH Tr/u 4/4/1969 Ngã ba biên giới
21 VŨ TÙNG Th/u 4/4/1969 Ngã ba biên giới
22 NGUYỄN VĂN PHƯƠNG Tr/s 4/4/1969 Ngã ba biên giới
23 THÁI Th/u Tháng 5/1969 Núi Bạch Mã
24 TOẢN Tr/s 1 Tháng 5/1969 Núi Bạch Mã
25 HÀ KHẮC VỮNG Tr/s 1/6/1969 Quảng Ngãi
26 THÁI ANH KIỆT Th/u 10/6/1969 Ngã ba biên giới
27 NGÔ VIẾT VƯỢNG Đ/u 11/5/1970 Ngọn núi ngăn giữaDuc Co va Kontum
28 LÊ VĂN SANG Tr/u 11/5/1970 Ngọn núi ngăn giữa Duc Co va Kontum
29 PHẠM VĂN TRUẬT Tr/s 1 11/5/1970 Ngọn núi ngăn giữa Duc Co va Kontum
30 ĐẶNG HỮU CUNG Đ/u 11/5/1970 Ngọn núi ngăn giữaDuc Co va Kontum
31 ĐẠT Th/u 11/5/1970 Ngọn núi ngăn giữaDuc Co va Kontum
32 NGUYỄN HẢI LỘC Th/u 24/09/1970 Bù Dớp
33 NGUYỄN THANH GIANG Tr/u 1971 trận Ha Lào Lam sơn 719 Dồi 31
34 NGUYỄN VAN EM Tr/s 1971 trận Ha Lào Dồi 31
35 VŨ ĐỨC THẮNG Đ/u 9/10/1971 Xã Minh Hung Thị trấn Chơn Thành
36 NGUYỄN NGỌC AN Th/u 9/10/1971 Xã Minh Hung Thị trấn Chơn Thành
37 NGUYỄN VAN MAI Th/u 9/10/1971 Xã Minh Hung Thị trấn Chơn Thành
38 TRẦN VĂN LONG Đ/u 9/10/1971 Xã Minh Hung Thị trấn Chơn Thành
39 NGÔ VĂN THÀNH Th/u 9/10/1971 Xã Minh Hung Thị trấn Chơn Thành
40 TRẦN VĂN LIÊN Tr/s 9/10/1971 Xã Minh Hung Thị trấn Chơn Thành
41 HÀ TÔN Đ/u Tháng 3/1972 Gần Non Nước Đa nẵng
42 HUỲNH TẤN PHƯỚC Tr/u Tháng6/1972 Quế sơn
43 PHAM VAN HƯỚNG Tr/s Tháng6/1972 Hướng Tây cây số 17 HUẾ
44 NGUYỄN THÀNH PHƯỚC Th/u 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
45 TRẦN VĂN ĐỨC Tr/s 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
46 HOÀ H/s 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
47 NGUYỄN VĂN HIỆP Tr/u 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
48 TRẦN VĂN ĐỨC Th/u 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
49 LỘC Tr/s 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
50 ĐỨC H/s 8/11/1972 Đầu phi trường Phú bài
51 MAI THANH XUÂN Tr/s Tháng 8/1973 Băng Đông-BMT
52 LE VAN BỔN H/s Tháng 8/1973 Băng Đông-BMT
53 QUÁCH NGỌC THAO Th/u 11/3/1975 Phi Trường L.19 - Ban Me Thuật
54 NGUYỄN VĂN BE Th/u 11/3/1975 Phi Trường L.19 - Ban Me Thuật
55 ĐẶNG QUÂN Th/u 11/3/1975 Phi Trường L.19 - Ban Me Thuật
56 LÊ THẾ HÙNG Đ/u 13/3/1975 Phi Trường Phụng Dực B.50 BMT
57 DƯƠNG ĐỨC HẠNH Th/u 13/3/1975 Phi Trường Phụng Dực B.50 BMT
58 TRẦN MẠNH NGHIÊM Th/s 13/3/1975 Phi Trường Phụng Dực B.50 BMT
59 NGUYỄN VĂN ÂN H/s 13/3/1975 Phi Trường Phụng Dực B.50 BMT

Đoàn Công Tác 75/SCT/NKT
1-Ho van Anh truyen tin T753 /1974,
2-Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Hồng Anh Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
3-Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Hoàng Anh Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
4-Trung Sĩ Phạm Ba Đoàn 75
5-Mang Bich
6-Thieu Ta Van Thach Bich
7-Trung Sỉ Nhất Nguyễn Đình Bùi LT2/ĐCT75
8-Trung Sĩ Hoàng Văn Cảnh Truyển Tin Toán 759
9-Thiếu Úy Cường Covey Đoàn 75 / Tử Trận tại Cầu Dabla năm 1972
10-Binh nhất Mang Chao Đoàn 75
11-Trung Sĩ Hoàng Văn Chiến Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1972
12-Binh nhất Mang Chơn Đoàn 75
13-Trung Sĩ Vòng A Cô Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
14-Pham van Dau ( dau - rau) 752
15-Nguyen van Dien T759 mat thang 9/1973 tai Phu-Bài
16-Đaị Uý Phùng Điều
17-Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Du Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
18-Huynh Tan Dung757
19-Nguyen Du'c (Truyen-tin T751)
20-Pham Dinh Duong D75
21-D/u Truong -Huu Duong (LLT lien toan3)
22-Mang Hanh ,
23-Binh Nhất Mang Hiên Hy Sinh lúc Di Tản Cao Nguyên 3/75
24-Trung Sĩ Trần Văn Hiền Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
25-Nguyen thanh Hiep truyen tin T753,
26-Vu Phi Ho ( bi tu - hinh tai BINH THOI Phu-tho quan 11 nam 1976 toan 754)
27-Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Văn Hoanh
28-Nguyen van Huynh truyen-tin 754 que o Càn - Tho ,
29-Thiếu Uý Phạm Trọng Khôi Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
30-Trung Sĩ Mai Khương Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1973
31-Trung Sĩ Trần Văn Khương Đoàn 75
32-Thach krering 751 ,
33-Tr/ u Liem Lien - Toan Truong (trong thoi - gian t/t Van Thach Bich là CHT/DCT.75)
34-Trung Sĩ Liên Ngộ Đoàn 75 Mat Tich Bien Gioi Viet-Mien-Lao 1973
35Nguyen Long
36-Phan van Luom 759 ,
37-Trung Tá Ngô Đình Lưu Đoàn 75
38-Trung Sĩ Lê Văn Mai Đoàn 75
39-Nguyen Dinh Mai 12 / 1974 ,
40-Mang Mu .
41-Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Mỹ Đoàn 75 Hy Sinh tai Pleiku Vietnam
42-Nguyen Truong Nha 756,
43-Binh nhất Mang Nhơn Đoàn 75
44-Phan -Phuc -Thoi truyen tin T757
45-Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Văn Quang Đoàn 75
46-Binh nhất Trần Aí Quốc Đoàn 75
47-Chuẩn Úy Lý Phương Sáng Toán Phó Toan 725 mất tích chung với Th/úy Thân
48-Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Sang Đoàn 75
49-Chuẩn Uý Lê Đình Sơn Đoàn 75
50-Le Ngoc Son truyen tin T759
51-Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Đình Sơn Đoàn 75
52-Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Ngọc Sơn Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1973
53-Nguyen v Son (son-già) T759 ,
54-Binh nhất Mang Suôi Đoàn 75
55-Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Văn Tâm Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974
56-Trung Sĩ Trương Đình Tâm Đoàn 75
57-Le van Tanh (Thu-Duc) ,
58-Nguyen Ngoc Tanh (TT 757)
59-Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Ngọc Thạch Đoàn 75
60-Thiếu Uý Trần Văn Thân Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1974 tai Binh Dinh
61-Hoàng van Thanh T755 / 1973
62-Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Thanh Đoàn 75
63-Trung Sĩ Phạm Thanh Đoàn 75
64-Trung Sĩ Phạm Thạnh Đoàn 75
65-Trung Sĩ Trần Văn Thuỷ Đoàn 75 Mat Tich nam 1972
66-Trung Sĩ Lê Văn Tứ Đoàn 75
67-Nguyen Van Tuoi Quan - Y
68-Mang Xay ,
69- Chuẩn Úy Lê Văn Nghĩa
70- Chuẩn Úy Lê Quang Trung
71- Trung Sĩ Trần Duy Mỹ
72- Thiếu Úy Trương Thành Phương Covey ĐCT75 cuối năm 1974 / Pleiku (cùng hy sinh với 1 Pilot L19)

This history of the Strategic Technical Directorate Assistance Team 158 is dedicated to the
memory of our brothers-in-arms who perished aboard Echo Mike Two in an air crash near
Pleiku, Republic of Vietnam on 5 June 1972.

 I wanted to list these men’s names to honor their service and sacrifice to our nation. Many of
you would not be aware of their fate otherwise, and for their families, it remains an unanswered
tragedy. -

Klaus Yrurgen Bingham, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance team member, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 14 December 1943 in Metz, France. Entered service on 17 June 1965 at New Orleans, Louisiana. Missing in action since 10 May 1971, after his long-range reconnaissance team 'Asp" was inserted into western Quang Nam Province 12 miles from Laos on 3 May; past initial radio contact, no further contact was ever made.

John Arthur Boronski, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control Central, MACV-SOG. Born 24 July 1944 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Entered service on 22 June 1964 at Springfield, Massachusetts. Missing in action since 24 March 1970, when UH- I H helicopter lifted him and other team members from landing zone in the tri-border area 14 miles inside Cambodia; aircraft racked by explosions during ascent, continued forward aflame for 200 yards, and disappeared into the jungle, where it crashed.

Alan Lee Boyer, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 8 March 1946 in Chicago, Illinois. Entered service on I I January 1966 at Butte, Montana. Missing in action since 28 March 1968, when last seen 15 miles inside Laos northeast of Tchepone during extraction, having started to climb a rope ladder that broke as the Vietnamese H-34 helicopter moved away because of hostile weapons fire.

George R. Brown, Sergeant First Class, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 19 September 1935 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Entered service on 22 October 1952. Missing in action since 28 March 1968, when last seen alive and unwounded with two other Special Forces sergeants and one Vietnamese sergeant awaiting extraction from an area 15 miles inside Laos northeast of Tchepone by helicopter, which was driven off by ground fire; later search of area failed to reveal any trace of the team.

William Theodore Brown, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 20 February 1945 in Chicago, Illinois. Entered service at La Habra, California. Date of entry not available. Missing in action since 3 November 1969, when his reconnaissance patrol was attacked by a numerically superior force 30 miles inside Laos near Ban Chakevy Tai; he was shot through the body just below the rib cage in the initial burst of automatic weapons fire and was last seen lying wounded on the ground as their position was about to be overrun, as related by an indigenous team member who evaded capture.

Michael Paul Burns, Specialist Fourth Class, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 25 April 1947 in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. Entered service on 14 February 1968 at El Paso, Texas. Missing in action since 31 July 1969, when his reconnaissance patrol was attacked 1.5 miles inside Laos west of Hue just prior to extraction; last seen by Pan and Comen, the surviving commandos, lying on his back with severe head wounds, possibly dead, after incurring blast of a B-40 rocket.

Johnny C. Calhoun, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 14 July 1945 in Roanoke, Alabama. Entered service on 18 January 1963 at Atlanta, Georgia. Missing in action since 27 March 1968, when his team was attacked 1.5 miles south of Ta Bat in the A Shau Valley and he provided covering fire for rest of patrol while ordering the other five members to withdraw; hit several times in the chest and stomach and last seen by interpreter Ho-Thong as he slumped to the ground, pulled the pin from a grenade, and clutched it to explode among advancing enemy, but his ultimate fate was unknown because of the rapid retreat of the survivors.

Donald Gene "Butch" Carr, Captain, assistant launch officer, Mobile Launch Team 3, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 10 December 1938 in East Chicago, Indiana. Entered service on 12 October 1961 at East Chicago, Indiana. Missing in action since 6 July 1971, while flying a visual reconnaissance mission in an Air Force OV-10 aircraft from the 23d Tactical Aerial Surveillance Squadron (tail number 634) piloted by Lt. Daniel Thomas, which disappeared 15 miles inside Laos west of Ben Het.

James Derwin Cohron, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 11 November 1938 in Leon, Iowa. Entered service on 9 January 1968, in Centerville, Iowa. Missing in action since 12 January 1968, while a member of Spike Team "Indiana," as the second man from the rear of the team formation, when ambushed 1 mile inside Laos south of Khe Sanh; team broke contact by evading through a gully and set up defensive position on a small hill where called for helicopter extraction while waiting in vain for Cohron and two indigenous soldiers; tall elephant grass obstructed their vision, and efforts to reach him via squad radio failed.

William Michael Copley, Specialist Fourth Class, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 22 May 1949 in Columbus, Ohio. Entered service on 31 July 1967 at Los Angeles, California. Missing in action since 16 November 1968, when patrol was ambushed 16 miles inside Laos west of Ben Het prior to establishing overnight positions; he was seriously wounded by automatic weapons fire and cried out to SSgt. Roger T. Loe, "Help me, I'm hit!"; Loe carried him on his back until he tripped after traveling a short distance, tried to administer first aid until Copley's face showed signs of death, and was forced to leave because of pursuit by hostile forces.

David Arthur Davidson, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 8 March 1947 in Washington, D.C. Entered service at East Riverdale, Maryland. Date of entry not available. Reenlisted on 18 May 1968 in the Republic of Vietnam. Missing in action since 5 October 1970, after his patrol had established its overnight position 12 miles inside Laos west of Ta Bat and was attacked by a hostile force; according to the two surviving indigenous patrol members, Davidson was hit once in the head and fell down a ridge, after which he lay motionless with a probable fatal head wound.

Ricardo Gonzalez Davis, Sergeant First Class, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 17 March 1941 in Fort Stockton, Texas. Entered service at Carlsbad, New Mexico. Date of entry not available. Reenlisted on 30 May 1967 at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Missing in action since 20 March 1969, when his six-man patrol was attacked 11 miles inside Laos west of Kham Duc; Sgt. James C. La Motte was two feet away when Davis was hit by rifle fire in upper chest and face and said, 'Jim, Jim!' and fell; the assistant patrol leader advanced to Davis's position seven minutes later but detected no signs of life, whereupon the patrol was forced to evacuate the area because of advancing hostile soldiers.

Ronald James Dexter, Master Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born Born 23 July 1933 in Chicago, Illinois. Entered service on 2 September 1951 at Chicago, Illinois. Missing in action since 3 June 1967, when last seen exiting a downed CH-46 helicopter as it was being grenaded by approaching hostile forces 15 miles inside Laos west of the A Shau Valley; the Nung commander, Mr. Ky, saw several men in a large bomb crater firing red star clusters from a flare gun as Ky was lifted out on the last helicopter.

Raymond Louis Echevarria, Master Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 16 September 1933 in Brooklyn, New York. Entered service on 3 December 1950 in New York City. Missing in action since 3 October 1966, when patrol was inserted 1 mile inside Laos west of the DMZ and immediately engaged in firefight under adverse circumstances; sole survivor, interpreter Bui Kim Tien, last heard of him when SFC. Eddie L. Williams had told Tien, "Jones is dying and Ray (Echevarria) is the same way."

Danny Day Entrican, First Lieutenant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 12 August 1946 Brookhaven, Mississippi. Entered service on I October 1969 at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Missing in action since 18 May 1971, after his reconnaissance team "Alaska" was inserted into the Da Krong Valley in Vietnam on 15 May and overwhelmed in a firefight three days later 1 mile from the Laotian border; surviving commando Truong Minh Long and interpreter Truong To Ha stated that they rolled downhill after hostile search party detected them hiding in bush, at which point Entrican was apparently wounded and yelled at them to move out.

John Theodore Gallagher, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 17 June 1943 in Summit, New Jersey. Entered service on 25 December 1962 at New Haven, Connecticut. Missing in action since 5 January 1968, when aboard the second helicopter transporting patrol 20 miles inside Laos south of Lao Bao, which was struck by 37-mm antiaircraft fire at an altitude of 2,000 feet; it went into an uncontrollable spin and exploded in flames upon impact with ground; heavy ground fire prevented search attempts.

Fred Allen Gassman, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 5 September 1947 at Eglin Field, Florida. Entered service at Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Date of entry not available. Reenlisted on 10 February 1969. Missing in action since 5 October 1970, after his patrol had established its overnight position 12 miles inside Laos west of Ta Bat and was attacked by a hostile force; Gassman radioed the overhead aircraft for emergency extraction and, as he attempted to retrieve the homing device, stated on the radio, 'I've been hit, and in the worst way," followed by several groans before the radio went dead. According to the two surviving indigenous patrol members, Gassman was last seen lying motionless with a large hole in his back.

Douglas J. Glover, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 2 May 1943 in Cortland, New York. Entered service at Cortland, New York. Date of entry not available. Reenlisted on 17 October 1965 at Fort Myer, Virginia. Missing in action since 19 February 1968, when reconnaissance team was being extracted 4 miles inside Laos west of Dak Sut; as the helicopter ascended from the landing zone, it nosed over and crashed, bursting into flames; the pilot, co-pilot, and one team member survived but left six persons missing because of hostile fire; later recovery efforts detected only five badly burned unknown remains.

Gary Alan Harned, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control Central, MACV-SOG. Born 7 July 1950 in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Entered service on 10 September 1968 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Missing in action since 24 March 1970, when UH-1H helicopter lifted him and other team members from landing zone in the tri-border area 14 miles inside Cambodia; aircraft racked by explosions during ascent, continued forward aflame for 200 yards, and disappeared into the jungle, where it crashed.

Charles Gregory Huston, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 29 September 1945 in Houston, Ohio. Entered service on 5 October 1965 at Cincinnati, Ohio. Missing in action since 28 March 1968, when last seen alive and unwounded with two other Special Forces sergeants and one Vietnamese sergeant awaiting extraction 15 miles inside Laos northeast of Tchepone by helicopter, which was driven off by ground fire; later search of area failed to reveal any traces of team

James Emory Jones, Sergeant First Class, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 3 September 1939 in Enigma, Georgia. Entered service on 23 July 1957 at Milledgeville, Georgia. Missing in action since 3 October 1966, when patrol was inserted 1 mile inside Laos west of the DMZ and immediately engaged in firefight under adverse circumstances; sole survivor, interpreter Bui Kim Tien, last heard of him when SFC. Eddie L. Williams had told Tien, "Jones is dying and Ray is the same way."

John Robert Jones, Sergeant, light weapons leader, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 20 February 1949 in Louisville, Kentucky. Entered service on I July 1968 at El Paso, Texas. Missing in action since 5 June 1971, at Hickory Hill radio relay site north of Khe Sanh in Quang Tri Province, which was overrun in heavy combat by a battalion-size North Vietnamese force in adverse weather which prevented air support; he was not found despite search by helicopter and low-flying aircraft.

Harold William Kroske, Jr., First Lieutenant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control South, MACV-SOG. Born 30 July 1947 in Trenton, New Jersey. Entered service on 29 June 1966 at Mercer, New Jersey. Missing in action since 11 February 1969, when patrol was engaged 12 miles inside Cambodia west of Bu Dop and he killed several hostile troops along a trail; he then motioned the point man, Diep Chan Sang, to come with him; there was a sudden burst of gunfire, Kroske dropped his weapon, grabbed his stomach, and fell; Spec. 4th Class Bryan 0. Stockdale tried to approach him, received no response when he called out his name from twenty feet away, whereupon the patrol was forced to withdraw because of heavy automatic weapons fire.

Frederick Krupa, Captain, platoon leader, Exploitation Company A, Task Force 2 Advisory Element. Born 2 September 1947 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Entered service on 25 June 1965 at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Missing in action since 27 April 1971, when his special commando unit was about to conduct a helicopter insertion 2 miles from Laotian border northwest of Plei Djereng, Vietnam; hostile forces opened up on his UH-1H helicopter when it was three feet off the ground, and he fell forward; SCU Company A commander Ayom grabbed his right shoulder but let go when Ayom's hand was struck by bullet; last seen lying next to a log sprawled out on his back, not moving or making a sound, by crew chief Sp. 4th Class Melvin C. Lew during helicopter ascent.

Glen Oliver Lane, Sergeant First Class, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 24 July 1931 in Diboll, Texas. Entered service on 30 June 1951 in Odessa, Texas. Missing in action since 23 May 1968, after his six-man spike team "Idaho' was infiltrated just across the Laotian border west of A Loui by helicopter on 20 May 1968, and all further contact with patrol was lost; spike team 'Oregon' inserted into area for search on 22 May immediately contacted large hostile force and was extracted.

Billy Ray Laney, Sergeant First Class, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 21 August 1939 in Blanch, Alabama. Entered army 3 August 1960 with two years of navy service. Missing in action since 3 June 1967, aboard CH-46 helicopter downed 15 miles inside Laos west of the A Shau Valley; last seen by SFC. Wilklow and Nung soldier lying wounded on floor of helicopter, between one crew member with a broken back and the door gunner with head wound, as hostile forces approached, tossing grenades at aircraft.

James Martin Luttrell, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance team member, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 14 December 1935 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Entered service on 29 March 1954 at Wamatosa, Wisconsin. Missing in action since 10 May 1971, after his long-range reconnaissance team "Asp' was inserted into western Quang Nam Province 12 miles from Laos on 3 May 1971; past initial radio contact, no further contact was ever made.

Dennis Paul Neal, Captain, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born I February 1944 in Quincy, Illinois. Entered service on 28 June 1966 in Clearwater, Florida. Missing in action since 31 July 1969, when his six-man patrol was attacked just prior to extraction 1.5 miles inside Laos west of Hue, and last seen by Pan and Comen, surviving commandos, after he was severely wounded in chest by a B-40 rocket blast, when they turned him over to take off one of his emergency UHF radios prior to retreating because of wounds and intense fire; forward air control aircraft heard the second emergency radio transmit "Help, help, help, for God's sake, help," but search teams later dispatched to area were unsuccessful.

Charles Vernon Newton, Staff Sergeant, patrol leader, Detachment B-52 DELTA, Fifth Special Forces Group. Born 10 May 1940 in Canadian, Texas. Entered service on 16 December 1959 at Canadian, Texas. Missing in action since 17 April 1969, when Reconnaissance Patrol 6, which had been inserted into Thua Thien Province on 14 April, was ambushed by numerically superior Vietcong force 9 miles from Laotian border; last heard from by radio transmission to circling aircraft requesting assistance, whereupon radio con- tact was lost.

Robert Duval Owen, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 21 December 1938 in Lynchburg, Virginia. Entered service on 30 July 1954 at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Missing in action since 23 May 1968, after his six-man spike team 'Idaho' was infiltrated just across the Laotian border west of A Loui by helicopter on 20 May, and all further contact with patrol was lost; spike team 'Oregon' inserted into area for search on 22 May immediately contacted large hostile force and was extracted.

Norman Payne, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born on 14 July 1939 in Greenville, Alabama. Entered service on 8 July 1957 at Cleveland, Ohio. Missing in action since 19 December 1968, when his reconnaissance team was attacked 6 miles inside Laos west of the A Shau Valley just before nightfall; last seen by the team leader, Sp. 4th Class Donald C. Sheppard, as Payne left the team to join another group, which had slid down an embankment; Sheppard later followed this route along a creek bed, but efforts to locate Payne failed. During extraction, Sheppard heard garbled emergency radio transmission, the last word of which sounded like "bison' (the code name for Payne), but a later ground search was blocked by hostile activity.

Jerry Lynn Pool, First Lieutenant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control Central, MACV-SOG. Born on 2 April 1944 in Sinton, Texas. Entered service on 11April 1964 at Austin, Texas. Missing in action since 24 March 1970, when UH-1H helicopter lifted him and other team members from landing zone in the tri-border area 14 miles inside Cambodia; aircraft racked by explosions during ascent, continued forward aflame for 200 yards, and disappeared into the jungle, where it crashed.

Ronald Earl Ray, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 11 August 1947 in ********, Texas. Entered service on 21 June 1965 at Port Arthur, Texas. Missing in action since 13 November 1969, when his six-man reconnaissance team was attacked and overrun 16 miles inside Laos west of Thua Thien Province; sole survivor Nguyen Van Bon stated that Ray was hit in an exchange of gunfire, fell to the ground, groaned, and then was silent; Bon shook him but received no response, and noted that Ray's weapon was smashed and that Ray had been hit in the chest and arm.

John Hartley Robertson, Sergeant First Class, operations sergeant, FOB #1, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 25 October 1936 in Birmingham, Alabama. Entered service on 15 June 1954 at Birmingham, Alabama. Missing in action since 20 May 1968, when aboard a Vietnamese H-34 helicopter on a medical evacuation mission 4 miles inside Laos south of A Shau; as helicopter was landing it was struck by hostile fire, smashed into the trees, and burst into flames. Vietnamese ground unit could not reach the wreckage, and no survivors were spotted.

Robert Francis Scherdin, Private First Class, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 14 February 1947 in Somerville, New Jersey. Entered service on 15 August 1967 at Newark, New Jersey. Missing in action since 29 December 1968, when part of the rear element of a reconnaissance team that was split during a skirmish 4 miles inside Cambodia west of Dak To; Montagnard soldier Nguang in same element saw him fall on his right side and tried to help him stand up, but Scherdin only groaned and would not get up; Nguang was then wounded himself and realized he had been left by the other three Vietnamese of the rear element, whereupon he left Scherdin and was extracted along with the remainder of the team.

Mike John Scott, Sergeant First Class, aerial observer, Command and Control Central, MACV-SOG. Born 2 September 1932 in Gostynin, Poland. Entered service on 13 September 1956 at Newark, New Jersey. Missing in action since 13 May 1969, when aboard an aircraft of the 219th Aviation Company, piloted by Lt. Bruce C. Bessor, just inside the Laotian border west of Kham Due, attempting to locate ground reconnaissance team whose members heard aircraft engine noise followed by fifteen rounds of 37-mm fire and engine sputtering but no sound of crash, then a large volume of rifle fire from same direction. Efforts to locate the aircraft failed.

Lee D. Scurlock, Jr., Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 10 November 1943 in Restful Lake, Ohio. Entered service on 22 September 1961 at Restful Lake, Ohio. Missing in action since 21 December 1967, during extraction of team on Laotian-Cambodian boundary of the tri-border region 18 miles west of Vietnam, while climbing a rope ladder to a helicopter ("Gator 376'') of the 119th Aviation Company; he climbed only three rungs on first attempt before losing grip, removed rucksack and radio, and slowly climbed ladder, appearing weak and possibly hurt as the door gunner and a Special Forces sergeant shouted encouragement; just before he reached their outstretched hands, he fell off the ladder fifty feet to the ground, landed on his neck and head, and rolled down hillside until a small tree stopped his movement. The helicopter came under automatic weapons fire and was forced from the area.

Leo Earl Seymour, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control, MACV-SOG. Born 14 May 1942 in Sayre, Pennsylvania. Entered army 28 June 1963 with four years' marine service. Missing in action since 3 July 1967, when his reconnaissance team 'Texas" was readying ambush positions near a trail junction I I miles inside Laos northwest of Ben Het in the Dale Xow river valley; two large hostile columns converged and noticed a propaganda poster tacked to a tree that had not been there previously and began searching area, spotting the forward security element, which opened fire; team split up by skirmish, and upon rallying a distance away could not find Seymour.

Jerry Michael Shriver, Sergeant First Class, exploitation platoon leader, Command and Control South, MACV-SOG. Born 24 September 1941 in DeFuniak Springs, Florida. Entered service on 9 December 1958 at Sacramento, California. Missing in action since 24 April 1969, when his platoon was engaged by intense fire 1.5 miles inside Laos west of the DMZ's southern boundary of Vietnam; last seen by Capt. Paul D. Cahill, moving against machine gun bunkers and entering the wood line, whereupon he continued radio contact until transmission ceased. Ten air strikes and 1,500 rockets were required to extract the few survivors of the platoon from the battlefield.

Donald Monroe Shue, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 29 August 1949 in Concord, North Carolina. Entered service on 26 June 1967 at Charlotte, North Carolina. Missing in action since 3 November 1969, when his recon- naissance patrol was attacked by a numerically superior force 30 miles inside Laos near Ban Chakeny Tai, and he was hit by grenade fragments; last seen lying wounded on the ground as their position was about to be overrun, as related by an indigenous team member who evaded capture.

Willie Ernest Stark, Sergeant First Class, patrol leader, Detachment B-52 DELTA, Fifth Special Forces Group. Born 7 October 1932 in Martinsburg, Nebraska. Entered service on 21 July 1950 at Waterbury, Nebraska. Missing in action since 2 December 1966, 1.5 miles inside Laos west of the DMZ with a reconnaissance patrol on 29 November 1966, which had two skirmishes with Vietcong, and last seen wounded in thigh and chest and being guarded by S. Sgt. Russell P. Bott, as related by Vietnamese patrol survivors.

Madison Alexander Strohlein, Sergeant, parachutist commando, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 17 May 1948 in Abington, Pennsylvania. Entered service on 8 July 1968 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Missing in action since 22 June 1971, after being parachuted into the Ta Ko area of Vietnam at night on a reconnaissance mission with Sgt. Maj. William D. Waugh and SFC. James 0. Bath; last heard from by radio requesting evacuation because of injuries; his transmissions were monitored until I 1:00 A.M., when he stated hostile forces were approaching; thereafter transmissions ceased. Rescue team inserted on 23 June found only his weapon, scattered gear, and indications that his parachute had been pulled from a tree.

William Wentworth Stubbs, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control Central, MACV-SOG. Born 6 August 1949 in Oak Harbor, Washington. Entered service on 26 October 1967 at Newport, Washington. Missing in action since 20 October 1969, when his recon- naissance team was attacked 20 miles inside Laos northeast of Nakhon Phanom and he was at the point of immediate contact; according to surviving indigenous patrol members, three bursts of automatic fire were directed at him from a distance of two feet, striking him in the head, followed by three grenades thrown onto his position. The rest of patrol was unable to move up the steep slope to reach him and were forced to withdraw five minutes later because of renewed hostile assault.

Randolph Bothwell Suber, Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 22 May 1947 at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Entered ser-vice on October 26, 1967, at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Missing in action since 13 November 1969, when his six- man reconnaissance team was attacked and overrun 16 miles inside Laos west of Thua Thien Province; sole survivor Nhuyen Van Bon stated that he last saw Suber trying to gain contact on his URC-10 emergency radio, then pick up his weapon and aim at four approaching hostile soldiers, but that the rifle did not fire because it became jammed, and Suber was hit immediately afterward and fell to the ground; Bon called to him, but he did not move or answer, and Bon was forced to leave the area.

Glenn Ernest Tubbs, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control South, MACV-SOG. Born 24 January 1940 in Sulphur Springs, Texas. Entered service on 21 June 1959 at Olton, Texas. Missing since 13 January 1970, when his reconnaissance team was crossing the Se San River close to the Cambodian border 12 miles northwest of Duc Co; Tubbs was the last member of the team to cross; near the center of the channel he was swept from the rope by the swift current, tried to swim against the current, and was last seen when he went under for the sixth time while being carried over some deep rapids about fifty feet downstream from the rope. Team members chased after him, two by swimming back across the stream, but he had disappeared.

Gunther Herbert Wald, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 7 January 1944 in Frankfurt, Germany. Entered army on 13 June 1967 with four years' marine service. Missing in action since 3 November 1969, when his reconnaissance patrol was attacked by a numerically superior force 30 miles inside Laos near Ban Chakevy Tai, whereupon he was hit by a grenade while trying to make radio contact; last seen lying on the ground with multiple wounds and possibly dead as their position was about to be overrun; related by an indigenous member, Pong, who evaded capture.

Lewis Clark Walton, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance team member, Task Force I Advisory Element. Born 13 May 1934 in Providence, Rhode Island. Entered service on 21 June 1952 at Providence, Rhode Island. Missing in action since 10 May 1971, after his long-range reconnaissance team 'Asp' was inserted into western Quang Nam Province 12 miles from Laos on 3 May; past initial radio contact, no further contact was ever made.

Charles Edward White, Sergeant First Class, reconnaissance patrol member, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born on 18 May 1933 in Union Town, Alabama. Entered service on 23 May 1950 at Columbus, Georgia. Missing in action since 29 January 1968, when he was being extracted by McGuire rig hoist by helicopter 16 miles inside Cambodia west of Kontum along with team members Nang and Khong; after being radioed by White that the trio was ready to be lifted out, the pilot increased his altitude to 200 feet, at which point White fell into the jungle. Later ground search on 31 January found path that falling body made through jungle canopy into thick bamboo, which was surmised as being enough foliage to have safely broken his fall, but no trace was ever found of him.

Peter Joe Wilson, Staff Sergeant, reconnaissance patrol leader, Command and Control Central, MACV-SOG. Born 23 August 1938 in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. Entered service on 17 February 1961 at Long Beach, New York. Missing in action since 19 October 1970, when his recon- naissance patrol was attacked 2 miles inside Laos in the tri-border area southwest of Ben Het and forced to abandon the battlefield with hostile forces in close pursuit; last seen by Sgt. John M. Baker when Wilson directed him to the front of the patrol and told him to continue to the east if the column was split; at that time Wilson was covering the rear of the patrol and assisting a wounded indigenous solider, Djuit; later Baker heard Wilson transmit "May Day, May Day" on his emergency radio and the sounds of a firefight from the direction of the separated patrol element.

Remains Recovered

Frank Collins Parrish, Sergeant First Class, senior medical specialist, Detachment A-411, Fifth Special Forces Group. Born 19 September 1931 in Big Springs, Texas. Entered service on 14 October 1948 at Cleburne, Texas. Missing in action since 16 January 1968, near My Phuoc Tay, when camp strike force was involved in a firefight; CIDG and LLDB survivors reported that the Vietcong captured and summarily executed him, but remains were not recovered until 30 April 1973.

George Quanmo, Major, deputy commander, FOB #3, Command and Control North, MACV-SOG. Born 10 June 1940 in Lynn, Massachusetts. Entered service on 23 October 1958 at Averill Park, New York. Disappeared on 14 April 1968, when aboard a Vietnamese U- 17 aircraft (tail number XT) flown by Chinese contract pilot, as courier en route from Khe Sanh to Da Nang. Remains recovered on 28 June 1974.

Samuel Kamu Toomey, III, Maj 04, CCN S-3, Operations Officer; Raymond Clark Stacks, 1LT 0-2 of Tenn.; Klaus Dieter Scholz, SSGT E-6 of Texas; Arthur Edward Baden Jr. SGT E-5 of New Jersey, Richard Allen Fitts, SP/5 of Mass.; Michael Howard Mein, SP/4 of New York; Gary Russell Labohn, SP/4 of Michigan, USASF, CCN, Da Nang, Ops 35. All were aboard a Vietnamese Air Force CH-34 helicopter returning from a visual recon of target areas based on a "Spot Report" by RT Sidewinder of a NVA cache across the boarder. The aircraft was shot down from an altitude of 3,000 feet by 37mm antiaircraft fire, crashed and exploded 10 miles inside Laos east of Tchepone. No ground search was initiated due to the crash site being in a denied area. On Mar 23, 1990 these seven American soldiers remains were buried in Arlington National Cemetery their remains were recovered from the crash site in Mar 89.

Source: USARV USPW/CI detainee files and MIA Board Proceedings of Fifth Special Forces Group and MACV-SOG


Trung Tá Nguyễn Đức Phó CHT Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tai Doan Cong Tac 72 Sơn Trà Đà Nẵng Vietnam
Đaị Uý Tôn Thất Tùng CHP Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại Đoàn Công Tac 72 San Trà Đà nẵng Vietnam
Thiếu Uý Lê Văn Trung Đoàn 72 Truc Thang Boc Toan bi Ban roi Khu Vuc Duong Mon 545 Deo Mủi Trau Quang Nam Vietnam 

Trung Sĩ Phạm Hữu Lương Hy Sinh trong vùng hành quân Thượng Đức và máy bay bị bắn rớt
Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Trọng Vui Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh Nam Ô Quảng Nam Vietnam 
Thiếu Úy Nguyễn Văn Thông Hy Sinh tại Chiến Trường Thượng Đức Quảng Nam
Trung Sĩ Hậu Truyen Tin va chet cung voi Chuan Uy Nguyen Trong Vui tai NAM O
Chuẩn Uý Nguyễn Văn Nam Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại nan Truc Thang Non Nuoc Da Nang VN Vietnam
Chuẩn Uý Phạm Đình Trung Đoàn 72 
Thượng Sĩ Nguyễn Châu Đoàn 72
Thượng Sĩ Nguyễn Thành Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại Đoàn 72 Sơn Trà Danang Vietnam
T/S I Nguyễn Đức Sinh Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh khu Tam Bien Vietnam
T/S I Nguyễn Văn Rất Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh Dong Den Quang Nam Vietnam Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Huỳnh Tân Dũng Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh Toan Dac Biet Quang Nam Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Huỳnh Thanh Phong Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại Da Nang
Trung Sĩ Lê Hồng Thuỷ Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh Cong Tac Tam Bien Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Lê Hương Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Thành Lai Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Bảy Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Quang Toán 723 Đoàn 72 

Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Quy Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Minh Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Muì Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh 

Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Tươi Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Phạm Hùng Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh trong khi thi hanh cong tac Helen Hue Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Tạ Tánh Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh trong khi thi hanh cong tac Helen Hue Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Trần Đức Lương Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại nan Truc Thang Non Nuoc Da Nang VN Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Trần Quang Taì Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh trong khi thi hanh cong tac Helen Hue Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Trần Nam Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Trương Đình Đức Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Vũ Ngọc Hinh Đoàn 72
Trung Sĩ Mai Tấn Sử Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh trong khi thi hanh cong tac Helen Hue Vietnam
Trung Sĩ Tư Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại nan Truc Thang Non Nuoc Da Nang VN Vietnam
Binh Nhất Trần Phỏng Đoàn 72 Hy Sinh tại nan Truc Thang Non Nuoc Da Nang VN Vietnam 

Tu Si Biet Hai / SPVDH
Lê Ánh
Nguyễn Văn Miễn
Nguyễn Văn Vượng
Nguyễn Phi Hùng
Nguyễn Văn NhỏÐoàn Ngọc Hoàn
Trần Văn LaiNguyễn Tín
Nguyễn Cháu
Phạm Việt
Trần Thưởng
Lê Văn Quốc
Phan Cẩm
Ðổ Kích
Nguyễn Văn HảoNguyễn H. Hùng
Hoàng Thành
Ðào Hữu Tuyên
Lê Thế Vị
Nguyễn Xuân Tam
Nguyễn Học
Vũ Văn Sắc
Nguyễn Văn Nhân
Nguyễn Văn Giới
Nguyễn Ly
Nguyễn Văn PhướcNguyễn Hữu Tuyến
Lê Văn Tiến
Nguyễn Hữu Sắc
Phạm Tiếp
Nguyễn Hùng
Nguyễn Cam
Nguyễn Cường
Lê Văn Việt
Nguyễn Hữu Từ
Nguyễn Văn TrườngLê Văn Vui
Lê Văn Ðáng
Lê Thành Mỹ
Nguyễn Văn Thế GiớiNguyễn Ðức Bằng
Nguyễn Hữu Kế
Huỳnh Văn TâmVõ Chàng

Đoàn 1 Sở Liên Lạc
1/ Chẩn úy Hoài (bị pháo kích ở Suối máu, Biên Hòa, lìa đứt mất đàu).
2/ Trung sĩ Tính (Toán bị đụng, hôm sau vào lấy xác không thấy).
3/ Trung sĩ Danh Phúc (HSQ Đồng Đế mới về chưa đi được chuyến nào, bị đánh đặc công trại Suối máu, chết tại chỗ, cùng đêm BKQ Hoàng thế Phương bị thương).

Tu Si Doan 3 So Lien Lac / Ban Me Thuoc / Kontum
* Trung Sĩ Tăng Dù Lỹ - Toán Trưởng Toán Hỏa Sơn
* Biệt Kích Trịnh Văn Thôn - Toán Trường Sơn
* Biệt Kích Nguyễn Văn Khuông - Toán Biên Sơn
* Biệt Kích Phạm Văn Ba - Toán Thất Sơn
* Biệt Kích Triệu Tiến Và - Toán Giang Sơn
* Chuẩn Úy Lưu Thanh Châu - Bộ Chỉ Huy - 32 Chiến Thuật
* Trung Sĩ Trần Văn Lai - Bộ Chỉ Huy - 32 Chiến Thuật
* Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Ngà - Ban Truyền Tin, Chiến Ðoàn 3
* Trung Sĩ Lê Văn Tãi - Toán Tiếp Ứng, Ðại Ðội 2
* Chuẩn Úy Hoàng Ngọc Tặng - Ðại Ðội Thám Sát
* Chuẩn Úy Vũ Trần Bảo-Hưng - Ðại Ðội Thám Sát
* Ðại Úy Nguyễn Văn Quang - Trưởng Ban 3, tử trận khi trại bị thất thủ cùng đêm thành phố Ban Mê Thuột bị rơi vào tay cộng sản 3/09/75
* Trung Úy Nguyễn Văn Cường - Ban 4, tử trận đêm 3/09/75
* Trung Sĩ I Nguyễn Văn Long - Ðại Ðội Thám Sát, tử trận đêm 3/09/75
* Hạ Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Tư - Bộ Chỉ Huy Chiến Ðoàn, tử trận đêm 3/09/75

Trung Sĩ Nguyễn Văn Huyết Đoàn 68
Trung Sĩ Lê Tuấn Anh Đoàn 68
Hắc Long Cao Văn Hồi Đoàn 68
Đaị Uý Đào Hữu Tuyền Đoàn 68
Hắc Long Đào Xuân Đoàn 68 Hắc Long
Đỗ Văn Nhạc Đoàn 68
Đaị Uý Lâm Xuân Hòa Đoàn 68
Hắc Long Nguyễn Đức Hậu Đoàn 68
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Nhỏ Đoàn 68
Trung Si Nguyễn Văn Quyết Đoàn 68
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Thế Đoàn 68
Đại Úy Đặng Thế Nghiệm Đ68

Tữ Sĩ Đoàn Công Tác 71

Thiếu Uý Nguyễn Văn Hải Đoàn 71
Trung Sĩ Lê Văn Kim Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Đặng Hùng Xung Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Đặng Nam Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Đoàn Viết Thạnh Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Dương Văn Tre Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Lê Văn Thân Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Le^ Văn Hai Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Đình Bảo Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Ngọc Châu Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Ta^'n Ky` Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn An Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Chi'nh Đoàn 71
Trung Si Nguyễn Văn Hải Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Khứ Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Lộc Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Phu' Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Quang Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Quý Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Văn Tuấn Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Hiếu Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Nguyễn Sĩ Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Sooc Sum Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Trần Văn Cu+?u Đoàn 71
Hắc Long Trần Văn Trung Đoàn 71


NhaKyThuat said...

Hoà mến.
Mình vừa đọc danh sách những tử sĩ NKT, tiện đây cho mình góp ý kiến nhé. Hiện còn thiếu tên Tr/s Phạm hữu Lương toán 726 của TH/U Lê văn Trung và Th/U Nguyễn văn Thông, toàn bộ TCT này bị tai nạn tại núi Non Nước ĐN năm 1973, mình không nhớ hết tên anh em trong toán này. Thời gian này mình đang học TT ở Saigon, lúc đó Dại Tá Hai vừa về đến Sai gòn thì ngài phải bay trở ra ngay.
Còn thêm 1 người nữa là Tr/sĩ 1 Nguyễn hoài Nam DCT 72 tử trận tại Tam biên cuối năm 1971.

Đó là những người hiện mình còn nhớ, nhờ bạn cho mình bổ sung nhé, thông cảm.

Thân ái

Trọng 725

NhaKyThuat said...

H. ghi them cho TS Sử : T/S MAI TẤN SỬ Hy sinh tai đỉnh HELENE vi khi mat co Thanh , Diep, Phat Chào thân ái

NhaKyThuat said...


NhaKyThuat said...

Ý kiên hay , cố gắng thực hiện .
Ngôn 72 Ng .

NhaKyThuat said...

Anh Minh Man than men,
Y kien rat hay va anh Hien cung la nguoi cua anh em minh
Luon yem tro cong viec chinh dang
Than Men
Pham Ho`a

NhaKyThuat said...

Anh Hoà than - mén
Khi doc danh-sach cac anh - em TS/NKT , toi xin bo -tuc them nhung anh - em cua DCT 75 khong co trong danh - sach :
Hoàng van Thanh t755 1973 hoac dàu nam 1974 , Mai - Khuong t 755.1973 hoac dau nam 1974 , Nguyen du'c (truyèn-tin 751 mat 1978 sài-gon) TT Van Thach Bich ,tr/ u ???? Liem lien - toan truong (trong thoi - gian t/t Van Thach Bich là CHT/DCT.75) D/u Truong -huu Duong (LLT lien toan3) Pham Dinh Duong ( khoang 1989 và cung là em re cua Nguyen - Hoài - Nam DCT 72 mat 1972 trng chuyen thuc - tap tai tam - bien 1972) , Le Ngoc Son truyen tin toan 759 , Nguyen v Son (son-già) 759 , Lien Ngo 759 (tinh - bao) 12/1974 , Nguyen ngoc tanh (tt toan 757) Vu phi Ho ( bi tu - hinh tai BINH THOI Phu-tho quan 11 nam 1976 toan754????)nguyen van Du 755( 1974)--Huynh tan Dung757 -,- Nguyen Truong Nha 756, Thach krering 751 , Phan van Luom 759 , Pham van Dau ( dau - rau) 752? Nguyen dinh Mai cuoi nam 1974 hoac dàu nam 1975( toi nho khong lam thi thang 12 / 1974 , xin nho Pham xuan Liem bo- tuc) tam-bien/ kontum , Le van Tanh (Thu-Duc) , Nguyen van Huynh truyen-tin 754 que o Càn - Tho , Phan -Phuc -Thoi truyen tin 757 ( sau 1975 hoat dong trong giao-phai hoà - hao tai My-Tho và khong duoc tin-tuc nua tu nam 1977 ), Nguyen thanh Hiep truyen tin T 753, Nguyen Van Tuoi (quan - y toan ????) Ho van anh truyen tin toan 753 /1974, Vong a Co toan 751 hoac 752 , và 1 so anh em nguoi thuong : Mang Chon , Mang Nhon , Mang Mu .Mang Xay , Mang Hanh , Mang Bich et ???????
Hien - tai chi nho nhu vay thoi và se bo-tuc them neu con nho duoc , con ten Nguyen Xuan Lang xin nho anh xo'a ten di vi do chinh là ten cua toi vi DCT 75 khong co ai mang ten này , chi co toi thoi vi toi biet rat ro nhung anh - em DCT 75 tu ngày thành - lap Doàn 75 và o toan chi co Nguyen van Dien 759 mat thang 9/1973 tai Phu-Bài và Nguyen ? Long (sau này ra bo-binh) và Lang thoi , sau do cac anh em hoc o Hon- Tre cung cac khoa : tinh - bao , pha - hoai ,quan - y , truyen -tin và vu - khi moi tan khoa -hoc de vè 71 , 72 và 75 .
P P LANG 759 France

SQTB K10B/72 THSQ-QLVNCH said...

- t/s Hoàng van Canh truyèn-tin toa'n 759 mat- tich chung voi Lien - Ngo tai Bong - Son cuoi nam 1974
- Binh I Mang -Hien lu'c di - tan Pleiku
- Tr/ s I Nguyen Dinh Bui thuoc LT2 , toa'n ????

SQTB K10B/72 THSQ-QLVNCH said...

- t/s Hoàng van Canh truyèn-tin toa'n 759 mat- tich chung voi Lien - Ngo tai Bong - Son cuoi nam 1974
- Binh I Mang -Hien lu'c di - tan Pleiku
- Tr/ s I Nguyen Dinh Bui thuoc LT2 , toa'n ????

Chance Chari said...

Buồng trứng đa nang